
No fatal ones, I think, but the program currently has some problems when a LATEX command/parameter stretch over a two lines — some extra spaces may be inserted into the input. I regard the program as fairly well tested; using the SAS/C cover utility I was able to make sure that approximately 95% of the code has actually been run successfully in the final version. This does indeed leave some lines; most of these are procedure terminating brackets or `can't happen' lines, though.

We've got some problems when isolating the arguments of a command. Although improved, it will certainly fail in certain cases; ChkTEX can for instance not handle arguments stretching over two lines. This also means that ``WIPEARG'' entries in the ``chktexrc'' file will only have the first half of their argument wiped if the argument stretches over two lines. Currently, this should cause nothing but a few extra warnings.

There is also a small bug which will occur if you try to type the following:

Please take a look at ChkTeX.DVI. Please.

ChkTEX will then report that you both should use interword spacing and intersentence spacing. This happens whenever you use an uppercase abbreviation. Will be fixed — but it requires some restructuring of the program.

Before submitting a bug report, please first see whether the problem can be solved by editing the ``chktexrc'' file appropiately.